
Acitrezza until some decades ago was crossed of rivers that they came down from the Etna but now no more visible. The most famous rivers said "Valloni" are:

IL VALLONE DEI PORCI O VALLONE GRANDE: that river separates Acitrezza from Acicastello. Its name would derive from a "porcaro" who washed his pigs just in this river.

IL VALLONE DEL TRAPPETO DEL FEUDO DEGLI ULIVI: this river cut by half Acitrezza and it passes under “Via Feudo” to flow into the sea close the Dockyard. Its name derives from the fact that, probably, it passed trhough a cultivated land of olives. It is possible that the river passed close to the old church of S. Joseph.

IL VALLONE DELLA MADONNA NUOVA: that river passes under the “Via Spagnola” and finishes to the sea of the zone called "pietrazze". The name would derive from the small church of “Madonna della Buona Nuova” which is situated around there.

IL VALLONE SCIOTTO: this river is situated at north of the “Madonna Nuova” one, it has got this name because it crosses the property of Mr. "Sciotto".

IL VALLONE DELLA CARCARA: this river is situated in the northern part of Acitrezza next to the quarter of “Barriera”; its name derives from a factory of bricks near the river.

The names of the rocks

In Acitrezza, every rock, also the smallest, it has got a name; the most important are:

ISOLA LACHEA. The rocks situated on the island are:

LA CORNERA is the northernmost part of the island;

IL MONACO is a rock placed behind the island;

LO SPIGOLO is a small stone in front of the channel of Lachea

LA LONGA: It is between the island Lachea and the Great Rock, does not have a great height, the east part declines on the sea.

IL FARAGLIONE GRANDE: on this rock there is the statue of “Madonna della Buona Novella”. The top of this rock is made up of marl and it is famous for its columnar basalts.

IL FARAGLIONE DI MEZZO: With steepest walls, it is hugely situated on the sea.

IANO DI TERRA E IANO DI FORA: this name comes from Sebastiano Greco, living in Acitrezza, who went around there by boat, at the beginning of 1800.

L’ISOLOTTO: big rock situated near the coast, close to the Public square “Bambini del Mondo”, full of people in the summer for diving.

LA TESTA DEL MOSTRO: next to the “isolotto”. It has got a strange shape like a face of a monster.

LO SCOGLIO DELLE COZZE: small rock that it is, to the open sea, situated at the southernmost part of Acitrezza.

IL PALOMBELLO: rock at the north of the town. Today covered by part of harbour said "SCARO".

IL LETTO DELLA ZITA: it is in front of the “Palombello”, so called by the comfort that gives to the people that reach it.

LA PIETRA SARPA: It is placed outside the port (porto vecchio). It is a good place for fishing.

LE PIETRAZZE: at the north of Acitrezza, it is famous for the quantity of rocks that you can find there. Here some names: “lo scoglio dei tuffi”, “lo scoglio delle onde”, “lo scoglio pirata”, “scoglio balena”, “lo scoglio dell’amore”, “scoglio poltrona”, “la praca”. Don’t forget that just among these rocks, there are most important shapes of pillows, for example, a rare kind of mega pillows.

Copyright© 2000-2002 Grasso Giovanni - Antonio Guarnera. Tradotto da Mario Grasso. Translated by Mario Grasso. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. All rights reserved. Vietata la riproduzione anche parziale

Renewed: 04-02-02 .