
The districts of Acitrezza are:

"LA URNAZZA": that district is situated at the extreme part of Acitrezza (South) towards Acicastello. The origin of its name is controversial, some people said that becomes from the old villa of Guarnaccia, someone else said that it comes from the section of coast on this zone which is always hit of the highest waves of the sea.

"LA BARRIERA": that one is at the extreme part of Acitrezza (North) towards Acireale. The origin of that name was given because, in bourbonic age, existed in this zone the building of the barrier of the road.

"LA MADONNA NUOVA": that district rises around the church of “Madonna della Buona Nuova” and the name comes just from this.

"LA MARINA": that district rises in front of the port in the zone of the Marine Public square.

"LA SCALAZZA": that one is situated at the NorthWest of Acitrezza over the National road 114 (called "la Nazionale"). The name would derive from the same road where it is. However, the name of the “Via Scalazza” has got unknown origin. We can only know this road, that it has strong grade (maybe about that Scalazza), it was the road that connected Acitrezza to Aci S.Filippo and it was used to the Prince di Campofiorito to go to Acitrezza, then it would be old at least how much the town it is.

"DIETRO CHIESA": it is probably the oldest district of Acitrezza. It is behind the church of S. John the Baptist which is crossed by this road. It would seem that this road was named “Via del Nero” by G.Verga in “Malavoglia”.

"IL CHIANO": it is the zone that is just in front of the church of S.John where the public square “G.Verga” is.

"IL LAVATOIO": it is the area where where the women went to wash the clothes thanks to the public wash house. It is situated exactly in front of the Harbour-office. It is often called in the “Malavoglia” of Verga.

Copyright© 2000-2002 Grasso Giovanni - Antonio Guarnera. Tradotto da Mario Grasso. Translated by Mario Grasso. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. All rights reserved. Vietata la riproduzione anche parziale

Renewed: 04-02-02 .